Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oprah: Power, Influence, Interesting ...

     I happened to catch the final episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show today. After 25 years of being on television everyday, Oprah has called it a day, moving on to greener pastures.

     There were a couple of things that struck me while watching this. The first one was her influence: the more successful she became, the more influence she had. The more influence she had the more power she wielded. The second thought that came to mind is the world-view that she was pushing, using her influence.We all have a world-view, unfortunately though, Oprah's world-view does not point to a Redeeming Saviour, but rather to an abstract energy from within. However, due to her influence, people listen.

     People are looking for answers and therefore look to someone they can trust to provide them with their answers. In a world that is searching, there are people ready and willing to provide answers, they may however not be the right answers.

     Where are you finding your answers? Too many of us find our answers in the media or in secular thinking, however God wants us to find our answers in Him and the Truth of His Word. He wants us to renew our minds and focus on things that produce life, outside of ourselves. Maybe you are asking questions like What should I do with my life? or Why do bad things happen to good people? The way you answer these types of questions will go a long way in determining your world view.

     Is Oprah wrong for pushing her world view? By no means, it's her opinion to peddle. However, we can take a leaf out of her book and not shy away from gaining influence, it's not wrong to be well known and respected, in fact all Christians should be respected in society (sadly this is not always the case) We need a Godly perspective on life though, our message should be one of a loving God who has given us all we have to accomplish His plan in our lives, by His grace. The power we wield should be to build His kingdom and not our own, so that every person on earth can reach their God-given potential.


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