Sunday, April 22, 2012

Inspiration:It can be done

    Inspiration, we all need it but not many people know where to get it. We all want to be it, but so few know how to become it. The truth is that inspiration flows from inspiration. It is difficult to conjur up inspiration from something that doesn't give you an insight into the heart behind it's inspiration, or lack thereof.
    Personaly, I'm inspired by people who dedicate themselves to a single task and become the best at this task. This shows a singleness of mind, an indistracted lifestyle and an ilogical quest for success. Success is fulfilling God's call on your life. I think of endurance athletes who challenge the limits of body and mind to achieve something no-one else has ever achieved. This inspires me, not only to train harder, but also to know that IT CAN BE DONE!
    When boiled down, inspiration is nothing more than seeing other people do it, and therEfore knowing that it can be done and seeing no reason why you can't do the same. In art it takes the form of colour, shape and texture combinations, in music the ease of which the melody and the lyrics combine to provide an extreme sensory experience. In life we love to read about rags-to-riches stories, about how people, who started with nothing, became something. It makes us realise that nothing is impossible, that IT CAN BE DONE!
    Jesus is the ultimate inspiration. He loved without expecting love in return, IT CAN BE DONE. He gave without expecting payment in return, IT CAN BE DONE. He did many signs and wonders IT CAN BE DONE. He had joy, peace, patients, kindness and gentleness when dealing with people, IT CAN BE DONE. He did the will of the father, he was absolutely obedient, IT CAN BE DONE. He conquered the grave, so that we can have victory over every situation, so that we can say, "IT CAN BE DONE".

"... because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" - 1 John 4:4


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