Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mindless Faith

During the past few months I have really started thinking about faith. Just mentioning the fact that I have actually thought about faith, might have some hyper-charismatics up in arms; be that has it may, I have a brain and it thinks.

The assumption for many is, that faith doesn't use thought, it uses, well faith. This in itself is not wrong, but the assumption that this is true for everyone, is. What I have come to realise is this: Some people search for faith with their hearts and some people search for faith with their minds. Even though some people have searched with their hearts and found, doesn't mean that they can't reason it out with their minds. After all, revelation only makes sense with reason.
Why then are we so against reasoning out our faith, searching out the bible for any illogical conclusions it may draw or putting under scrutiny what is peddled to us by two-bit preachers? Are we too scared what we will find, that what we have believed all along may in fact be a lie? Probably, but it isn't it worth finding it out now, rather than when you get turned away at the pearly gates, I think so.

Critical thinking is not encouraged in post-modern Christianity. I say this because, in fact, most of Christianity reflects the world-view of the society it is trying to reach; scepticism and relativity. If we, in fact, thought that there was such a thing as Truth, then maybe we'd be eagerly looking for it and once we've found it, avidly defend it instead of saying something like: "Well I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just putting it out there ..." Being dogmatic has become a harsh-label we put on people, but maybe it's time we become dogmatic about issues surrounding our faith, not willing to compromise them. The Apostle Paul is one of the most uncompromising people to be found in the scriptures, still today we reap the benefits of his unwavering commitment to truth.

So, I used my brain to think further. I asked myself a few simple questions, questions that I think every Christian should settle in their hearts before someone else unsettles them for you, and they will. The first question is why. Why do I believe what I believe? What are the reasons for you putting your faith, future and eternal destiny in the hands of someone who lived over 2000 years ago? Was it an experience that you had? Experiences are good, although their impetus may not last long, they do act as catalysts for our faith. Was it maybe because you are in a community that believes this way and you have never thought of any other way to believe? If this is so, the decision to believe differently could cost you your friends and family, count the cost and continue. Do you believe because, logically, it makes the most sense and you trust your mind in making decisions of such magnitude?

I think (if you'll excuse the pun) it should be a combination of all of the above: We need to experience the love,peace joy and tangible presence that a relationship with God entails. We should be in a loving and caring community of believers that obedience to God promotes. We should think critically of how this all fits in with the real world and then live it out. Why? Because faith is not mindless and neither is it blind. If it were not for faith we wouldn't be able to see things the way God does and if it were not for our minds we would not be able to do anything about it.

Another question that arises is this, after thinking about why I believe what I believe and settling on an answer: What do I do about what I believe? This is a simple question that most Christians never ask themselves because they separate faith from thinking. Most gullible believers think that by enjoying experience after experience they will automatically know what to do with the rest of their lives. Here's the deal: God can't answer the questions about your calling and purpose if you're not asking them! This is not Inception. Yes, God places desires in our heart to desire, but if we don't ask Him for wisdom for the way forward with these dreams and desires,our hearts won't be inclined to hear an answer from Him. In other words, you need to do what God is telling you to do regarding what you believe, but you can only hear what He is telling you if you're asking the question and listening for an answer.

Faith is not mindless, it interacts very much with our reason and logic, however, never let reason get in the way of faith operating in you and through you. Sometimes, we don't understand why things happen, but does that mean we give up on what we believe? Absolutely not. It means that what we can see by faith, we may not just yet be able to understand!


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