Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Zim in Pictures

Our entire team at Joel's house - he was able to stand by the time we left!

Team ministering at a village outside Marondera - Goggos church. Healing and deliverance were the order of the day as God demonstrated His power and love through the team.

One of the teams ministering to the family they met with everyday, in Borrowdale, Harare. Families like these formed the nucleus of the new church that was planted in the area.

A group of men listening to the preaching. The men sat seperately from the woman and children at this particular gathering.

Another team ministering to a family in Borrowdale. They visited this family everyday, discipling them into the word.

Children listening to every word of what was being said at Goggo's church

A child wrapped in traditional clothe against the cold winter afternoon - she wasn't going to miss out!

Bible are in short supply in the rural areas in Zim. Those that have them cherish them - we were able to bless people with a number of bibles in our time there!


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