Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Unexpected

"Unexpected": Not expected or anticipated. Unforeseen, surprising, unpredictable, astonishing and out of the blue.

If you follow me on Twitter you'd know that  I've been on a bit of a soap-box about doing the unexpected. I realise that for most people it turns out to be a bit cliched, more like a self-help thing, but the principle remains a good one.

Too often we end up doing the same thing over and over again. Humans are creatures of habit and work best in routine, even creativity works best within a structured lifestyle; this is undeniable. However, the very routine that created the environment for creativity can also stunt it. As much as people are comfortable with the same thing, we need change in order to grow and reach our potentials.

This is where my argument for the unexpected develops from. We do the same things over and over, because we know which results to expect. But, what about doing things or thinking certain ways, where you have no idea what the outcome will be; how will people react to you or how you will react? Let's take a quick example (see Twitter challenge video below):  We all have songs that are on our hearts and in our heads. But why should these songs remain there, why not sing out LOUD and let the whole place be blessed by the song that God has put on your heart (even if it is a rap song!)?

This is a silly example, but it illustrates a point. How will we ever be able to realize all that God has for us, if we never try something different, in a different way, from a different angle; doing the unexpected? Doing the unexpected, has been separating the success stories from the average Joe's from the beginning of time. Who would have thought that by going on a hunting trip Georges deMostral would get the idea of making Velcro (get out the house!). What about Thomas Adams, popping a bit of the material he was, unsuccessfully, trying to make toys out of, into his mouth and opening the first chewing gum store not long after that (try new tastes!) These inventions have not only made the inventors successful and allowed them to pursue their passions, but they have also made the lives of millions of people around the world so much more joyful!

Isn't that what we are called to do? The reason we are blessed is to be a blessing to others. We shouldn't limit God's blessing in our lives by expecting Him to work in and through us exactly the same way, every time. We can learn a lot about God's nature in the diverse ways that we, and those around us, respond when we do the unexpected! Even if your singing isn't that great ...


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