Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Top Tweets #1

Some of the top Tweets that have found there way onto my Twitter account this week:

"When you forgive people they no longer control your happiness" - @rickwarren

"Preaching tells us why. Teaching tells us how. We need both" - @pastorbrady

"CHURCH: Where Spirits are lifted. minds are renewed, faith is increased and priorities are challenged, by God's Word!" - @brianchouston

"That awkward moment when you karate kick a board during a sermon ... and break your foot" - @celebritypastor

"We're not home yet, but if grace doesn't make you dance a little on the way, we must not have heard the same gospel" - @louiegiglio

"Your Google search history is the real you" - @prodigalism

"Just do it! (But don't get caught). Nike." - @trevornoah

"'Joint heirs with Jesus' apparently means something different in Colorado" - @chrchcurmudgeon

"That awkward moment when the pastor randomly starts singing an old hymn ... and expects the band to accompany him ... " - @worshipsoundguy

Follow me on Twitter @istartliving


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