Wednesday, May 19, 2010

In between the build-up ...

In between the build-up to the biggest sporting event ,that the African continent has ever seen, there is still some time be a real person (Not that preparing for this mega-event is impersonal, it´s just that, when ones time is divided between work and play, you tend to not let-your-hair-down at work, if you follow my line of reason ...)

Seeing old friends has been an extreme added bonus. It is interesting for me to see how people have changed (or stayed the same for that matter) and how I have also changed relative to them. We live in the dimension of time, thus change is inevitable. However, some people do tend to be in some sort of time warp (none of my friends though) and succeed in defying this seemingly inevitable process. People like this, tend to have limited exposure to current events and could be put in the category of being reclusive. This is a chosen lifestyle.

It begs the question though: Is change bad, or should we embrace the inevitable?
To answer this, we must ask ourselves whether it is worth our while staying relevant to the culture of the day. As believers, it is of the utmost importance to be relevant. We owe it to the world to be able to answer the questions they are asking. We have insight, understanding and the mandate to be the salt and the light. Light shows the way. Showing the world The Answer to all their questions.

So yes, change is good. If we are changing for the better, ever renewing our minds and strengthening our faith, that is. Making disciples of all nations can only be done if we know the way people think and knowing their needs and wants ....

Don´t be afraid of change. Embrace it and stay relevant.

PS: My camera is broken, so pics are on ice for a few days.


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