Monday, October 11, 2010

Final thoughts on the Ministers Conference and other stuff ...

Without going into too much detail on the content of the final few days of the ministers conference, I will share with you some quotes that I picked up. Some food for thought and further study maybe ...

"A vision alone is not enough, it must develop into a cause ... you have a vision, but a cause has you!" - Ps Bob Nichols

He was speaking about the burning passion that God has put in each one of us and spoken deeply in our hearts. This passion is conceived by vision, but bought to fruition by turning it into a cause, a life cause.

"The only people that will ever let you down are the people you lean on" - Andrew Wommack
"Nobody can get inside of your mind without your help" - Andrew Wommack

In his final few teachings, he was speaking on how, when you are a disciple, you will experience disappointments. Disappointments often come in the form of people letting you down or false accusations at that which you are standing for. But, the secret is to not meditate on such things, to not let these incidents get inside your mind and start dominating your thoughts.

Below are some incredible resources that have blessed me. I have bought, but not finished reading both these books and have heard Charlie and Jill's music live. So if you're looking for solid stuff, this could just be it ...

(the pictures aren't seeming to load, so I will just post the links)

Andrew Wommack's book, entitled Effortless Change
Bob Yandian's book, entitled God's Word to Pastors
Charlie and Jill Leblanc's new CD Beautiful Hope

If you haven't seen this video already, it's quite powerful:


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