Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Lies Ahead: Awesomeness!

Friends! After much prayer and deliberation, I have settled on a definite direction for this blog for the year 2011. Most of my earlier posts involved my being involved with the 2010 soccer world cup and then from there, transitioning to bible school in the U.S.A. My passion for ministry is only surpassed by my passion for Jesus and this single focus will dictate future posts. "Start Living" is going to transition as well, to where I believe God is taking my ministry.

"Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it." - Matthew 10:39

People, are what ministry is all about. Helping bring you to a closer, more intimate relationship with Jesus, so that you can change your generation and have a positive effect on the generations to come, is my sole purpose in life. If people can understand who they are in Christ, what the finished work of the cross actually means and how they can access grace through faith, then I believe they will stop at nothing to achieve the goals God has set before them. We will reach our potentials, start living and bring glory to God in the process. Not by our own works, but by God's grace, because if we try in our own strength Christ died in vein! (Galatians 2:20)

I say this only because, for us to reach our potential in Christ, we must come to the end of ourselves. The sooner we come to the end of ourselves, the sooner we are able to walk in purpose and understanding of what God's will is for our lives. Romans 12 speaks of God's good and perfect will for your life and mine; this means that whatever plans God has for us, they are to prosper us and not to harm us, to give us a hope and a future! (Jeremiah 29:11)

These promises are ours for the taking, however, most don't walk in the fullness of what Christ has for us. Most people are satisfied with a mediocre, safe existence; but I am here to say that Jesus came to give us life and life in abundance! (John 10:10) Be encouraged, therefore, to press in to the fullness that is on offer, with an intimate relationship with Jesus and you will walk in His will more accidentally, than you ever will on purpose!


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